45:1 Airless Piston Pump

Product Name : 45:1 Airless Piston Pump
Model : GP100004

Q'ty :



    Pneumatic Screw Pump Oil Extraction Machine

    To meet the demand of extracting materials from 50-gallon drums, we have designed a pneumatic screw pump feeder that is not only convenient and easy to use but also suitable for extracting various solvents and oils. This equipment is carefully crafted to ensure optimal performance and durability.

    The core of this machine is the pneumatic screw pump, which can be stably fixed on a 50-gallon drum to avoid instability during movement, protecting you and your work environment. In addition, we have equipped this feeder with special solvent-resistant suction and discharge pipes that are treated to prevent corrosion and damage, and comply with industry standards.

    In addition to the above advantages, this feeder can also select different pumps according to your flow requirements to better meet your work needs. Whether you are using it in a factory, laboratory, or other work environment, our pneumatic screw pump feeder is an ideal choice for you.